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Integral part of your safety, operations, and quality programs

Air Products’ training, offered by our in-house experts, can be an integral part of your safety, operations, and quality programs. Training can include gas atmosphere safety, properties of gases, metal treating applications, NFPA 86, piping and flow control panel requirements, and troubleshooting for atmosphere problems. This information can help keep your operations safe, improve part quality and increase operational efficiency.
Download Gases, Technologies, and Services to Help You Succeed brochure


Safety training

Our experts can train your staff in the safe handling and use of industrial gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and helium

Hydrogen safety training

We offer a variety of hydrogen safety training programs based on decades of experience producing and transporting hydrogen along with the technological knowledge on designing and operating hydrogen systems

Furnace atmosphere training

We offer training on gas atmosphere safety, properties of gases, metal treating applications, NFPA 86, piping and flow control panel requirements, and troubleshooting for atmosphere problems

Industrial Gas Audits and Leak Detection Services

Audits and leak detection services can be comprehensive assessments of the entire gas supply system, or specific to gas or process equipment that use the gas.



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