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Engaging Employees and Building Our Communities

We partner with organizations that support diverse talent to inspire future scientists, engineers and skilled technical workers to build a diverse pipeline today, and for the future. Here are some examples of our external diversity partners:


Catalyst is a global nonprofit organization working with some of the world’s CEOs and leading companies to build workplaces that work for women. They achieve their mission by partnering with 800+ supporter organizations to help them make positive change in their organizations. They give companies and CEOs the trusted advice and expertise they need to drive workplace talent transformations in complex, global businesses.

National Action Council on Minorities in Engineering

Air Products supports NACME to provide pre-college programs and scholarships to increase the number of successful African American, American Indian and Latino women and men in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and careers.

National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA)

The National Black MBA Association was conceived to help Blacks coming into the corporate sector, largely for the first time, share experiences and insights to help make the journey easier. By nurturing these new professionals, the organization helped early members navigate and, ultimately, succeed in unfamiliar and frequently challenging environments. It is those professionals who have reached back to bring up the next generation of Black professionals by providing coaching, guidance and mentoring. 

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

These organizations are dedicated to the academic and professional success of African-American and Hispanic engineering students and professionals, respectively.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

We are involved with SWE on college campuses and in our communities to help women achieve their full potential as engineers and leaders, and demonstrate the value of diversity.

We draw strength, opportunity and financial growth from our diverse workforce and collaborative, inclusive and respectful work environment.

Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)

In the U.K., we partner with WISE to inspire girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math with a focus on building our future talent pipeline. 

Women in Manufacturing (WiM)

Air Products has partnered with WiM, the only national trade association dedicated to supporting, promoting and inspiring women who have chosen a career in operations and manufacturing. 

Skills USA

We actively partner with Skills USA to support career and technical education for students across the country. 


A program that engages our Shanghai employees to teach business skills to students through role playing, discussions and games, while learning to collaborate, work in teams, and build interpersonal skills.

Gulf Region Organization for Women (GROW)

Launched by Saudi Aramco in 2016, GROW promotes female development and employment through strategic and impactful interventions. This is done by sharing both qualitative and quantitative information related to female development, so that each participant can maximize the skills, capabilities and performance of women in their respective organizations.  

Engagement with the Community

Air Products invests time, goods and services in the communities where we do business. Our employees work together as local ambassadors for our company. Engaging in STEM mentoring partnerships for girls in the U.K., building teamwork through social service clubs in South Korea, and providing much needed school supplies in the U.S. are some of the ways Air Products demonstrates the commitment we have in the communities where we live and work.